Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Under the weather bug

Miss Buggy D has been under the weather. And it stinks.

It started with a fever that I was certain (CERTAIN) was caused by teething. It slowly escalated higher over a few days. Monday brought a trip to the doctor with no definitive answers...probably a virus beginning to rear its ugly head. Well it happened. The Roseola virus bit my bug. I don't like it. Not. One. Bit.

It's a funny thing when your kids don't feel well. For years when we weren't planning on having kids I was always one of those people who said "If I had kids, I wouldn't be a panic about sickness. Kids get sick. Deal." Well, I still feel that way - I truly don't stress out about being around germs, friends with runny noses (though I do steer away from the pukies...)but gosh, when my kidlets are under the weather I just fall to pieces. I want so bad to take away the yucky.

I just want my smiley bug back. I miss the spunk. I miss her giggle. I miss her.

Feel better baby bug. Mommy loves you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sleepy head

As I've blogged about before, one of my most favorite things to do is sneak in and check on the kidlets after they have fallen asleep.

With Ryan, you never know what you are going to get. When he goes to sleep at night, after brushing teeth, filling his water cup, finding Marvin and blankie, listening to daddy's stories and telling mom a story, he likes to play. And read books. In the dark. Lately he's been playing a lot - we walk down the hall to find books he has snuck out into the hallway.

Well imagine our surprise when we found him like this last night...

Passed out asleep on the middle of his floor. Sweet little man was so exhausted from playing and reading he just passed out on the floor.

Love, love this little boy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Excuses, excuses...

So I missed two more days. I truly can't help it. Our weekend was jam-packed. Blogging never entered my mind.

Some highlights:

Saturday - swim lessons, AJs, grocery store, party store, party prep, gelato store, fantastic 40th birthday party for Aunt Stacia - Jason's sister. We had a lovely family dinner, shared memories, drank lots of champagne, and slept like a baby!

Sunday - swim lessons - which we nearly missed because we ALL slept in after our fun party the night before, AJ's, Mall for Las Vegas shopping, home, I went back to a different mall, grocery store, dinner with the Russo's, bed.

Allison had a yucky fever today - it hit 103 - I was totally freaked. This was day four of a fever that we were oh-so-certain was caused by teething (her I-teeth are coming in). Trip to the doctor, test for UTI (brutal for my lil bug), pokes, prods and the outcome - probably still teething - but we need to monitor the fever. It seemed to finally break as she napped on my chest (love that time, and it probably won't happen too many more times as she gets older!). We were both drenched. She was a much happier bug this afternoon.

I ask myself this question, daily, multiple times daily - how did I get so lucky!!! My children are simply fantastic.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Early morning post

Here's a least in a while...I am making an early morning post.

Why? You ask...(or at least I ask myself!)

Well it's because one little monkey doo decided to start playing the fishing game at 6:23am. 6:23 AM. The sound coming across the monitor jolted me from bed.

Now 6:23AM isn't the earliest he's been up...but its Friday..and we don't have to get up and out on Fridays. No work for mommy. No swim lessons. No errands. And today, no play dates planned. Why or why did he have to wake so early when every other day this week we had to wake him after 7 to get up and sweet monkeydoo.

I love him so.

PS - for the record it is now 7:39am. I am writing this from bed while I listen to him (over the monitor) play with his trucks, cars, trains, dinosaurs, books, fishing game, hippo game....the sounds are music to my ears.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Help Me Daddy! (a post from daddy!)

These days, Ryan is all about his big dump truck with the attached shovel scoop. He fills the scoop up and dumps various items including cars, trucks, trains, wood blocks and random plastic pieces into his dump truck. He continues this process until his dump truck is full, then he dumps the truck out and starts all over. Occasionally when his dump truck is full he decides that he needs to move it off the couch to the floor......or off the floor to the couch. It is as this time that he calls out, "Help Me Daddy" "Help Me Daddy". As I approach him, he instructs me on where his dump truck needs to go. I move the truck for him and he says, "Thank you Daddy" as he begins the process all over again.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have a strange sense of calm. Not a bad thing...but just calm.

I've just finished reading my second "chick" book in less than two weeks. I haven't read two books in the last three years. Since I became a mom. I just never made the time. But I have found that curling up with a good book is quite relaxing.

Ryan was getting ready for bed tonight and saw me pick up my book.

"You readin momma?"

"Yep, sure am, buddy."

"Why momma?"

"I like it buddy."

"i go read too momma."

And with that, he did. He bounded down the hall, grabbed this "10 Little Racecars" and read vroom, vroom to me.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Peek a boo and nighty night

It's one of my most favorite things to do.

Jason and I sneak into the kidlets rooms to peek on them while they sleep. We tip toe and try so hard not to trip over a truck, book or stuffed animal.

And then we stare.

We just stand there and stare. They are so peaceful. So adorable. So wonderful.

If I could I would climb right into Allison's crib and snuggle her. If he wouldn't wake up, I would climb into his big boy bed, push the myriad of trucks/trains/cars to the side and pull the covers right up to my nose. And I would watch them sleep.

We drag each other out of their rooms and whisper about how wonderful they are. How we want to squeeze on them. How we just want to eat up their deliciousness.

How did we get so lucky?!?!?!

Sweet dreams!

PS - I know I missed a post yesterday - even after I had committed to 30 days in a row. But just know that we had a great family fun weekend. I was just too tired last night to type!